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Wichita State looking into women’s basketball transfers

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  • I believe the former players/parents who are speaking out are being truthful about the abuses. The pattern since she arrived is just too obvious, in my opinion. As such, I hope those issues were addressed with Jody and she was informed her leash is extremely short. If not, then it's my feeling that everyone associated with oversight of the women's basketball program should be fired: Sexton, Endicott and all coaches.

    Of course, we'll never know this since it is highly unlikely the expected release from WSU will do anything other than exonerate her and dismiss the complaints.


    • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
      Of course, we'll never know this since it is highly unlikely the expected release from WSU will do anything other than exonerate her and dismiss the complaints.
      Any chance the Julie Scherz' report will be made public under an Open Records request or will that be considered part of Jody's private personnel file?


      • I know when it comes to city governance, personnel matters are usually discussed in executive session and details are kept private. I don't know if they are subject to open records requests.


        • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
          Any chance the Julie Scherz' report will be made public under an Open Records request or will that be considered part of Jody's private personnel file?
          I'm sure counsel will advise the Investigation will either fall under personnel records or investigations that could lead to future administrative adjudication or civil litigation.

          The Kansas Open Records is my wheelhouse along with FOIA and donuts


          • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
            it is highly unlikely the expected release from WSU will do anything other than exonerate her and dismiss the complaints.
            Additional information, including a joint statement made by the University and Adams and her attorney, is expected to be released later in the day.


            • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
              I know when it comes to city governance, personnel matters are usually discussed in executive session and details are kept private. I don't know if they are subject to open records requests.
              PM me if you want the two page dissertation on this


              • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                I am not familiar enough with the women's program to have any real opinion one way or the other, so am just asking an honest question, not disagreeing at all. Would this opinion change if somewhere/somehow, the people investigating were able to show that it was mostly just sour grapes, or has that bridge been permanently burned?
                Just my opinion, but IF WSU could come up with definitive proof that it is nothing more than an issue of sour grapes or not having the toughness, etc etc, then, and only then would I put my support back into HCJA and her program. But I have talked to 2 former players directly, and I have seen the hurt and pain in their eyes when the subject of playing at WSU came up. You can't fake that kind of hurt. I firmly believe there is a lot more going on than the people at WSU want to deal with, and I will not attend another women's basketball game involving WSU as long as HCJA is there. Not that it will do any good, but I have also sent an email to Julie Scherz and Eric Sexton both to let them know how disappointed in them I am and how they have lost at least 1 fan and will in time lose many many more supporters as long as HCJA is there. Again, that will do absolutely no good, because 1 person can't make a difference, but that is my stance.


                • Originally posted by flyingMoose View Post
                  I know one person who told me (I think when DE was here) that they went to the games to support the girls, but turned their back to the court when the coaches were introduced. I would not be surprised if that happened again.
                  I would expect lots of boos when the coaching staff is introduced. And don't even think about taking any anti-HCJA signs into the building, I'd almost guarantee they will be watching for those closely. Anything they can do to make it look like they trust that ADES has a clue what he is doing.


                  • Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
                    "If you get fired for cheating, you can get hired right back again. If you get fired for losing it's like you've got leprosy, so young coaches need to bear that in mind. Cheating and not graduating players will not get you in trouble, but that damn losing..." - Royce Waltman

                    You can hate that this is true, but there's always going to be a lot of grace for people who perform.
                    Ya know, now that I think about it, that's more than likely what is going on here. I think if WSU had been a near .500 team the last 3 years, we'd be seeing a new women's coach next year. It's a damn shame how piss poor sportsmanship is and how it's all about winning at all costs now, at all levels of sports. It's one of those things where it's "Who cares if she abused a few players, she's a winner." That sounds like what is going on here.


                    • shockerfanmas, don't lose heart yet. Remember when KState was not going to give Leticia Romero a scholarship release? It was a regional story until the "definitive" announcement was made by the university to back that wrong-headed action. It was AFTER the university's final decision was announced that it became a national story, after which Romero received her release.


                      • Originally posted by shockerfanmas View Post
                        Just my opinion, but IF WSU could come up with definitive proof that it is nothing more than an issue of sour grapes or not having the toughness, etc etc, then, and only then would I put my support back into HCJA and her program. But I have talked to 2 former players directly, and I have seen the hurt and pain in their eyes when the subject of playing at WSU came up. You can't fake that kind of hurt. I firmly believe there is a lot more going on than the people at WSU want to deal with, and I will not attend another women's basketball game involving WSU as long as HCJA is there. Not that it will do any good, but I have also sent an email to Julie Scherz and Eric Sexton both to let them know how disappointed in them I am and how they have lost at least 1 fan and will in time lose many many more supporters as long as HCJA is there. Again, that will do absolutely no good, because 1 person can't make a difference, but that is my stance.
                        I appreciate your candid answer. I have familiarity with one of this years seniors, but haven't come across a "the right time" to ask her about it, and don't know if I ever will, so I appreciate hearing from that perspective.
                        "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                        • Originally posted by shockswsu View Post
                          shockerfanmas, don't lose heart yet. Remember when KState was not going to give Leticia Romero a scholarship release? It was a regional story until the "definitive" announcement was made by the university to back that wrong-headed action. It was AFTER the university's final decision was announced that it became a national story, after which Romero received her release.
                          Good point, and I would imagine there is going to be enough backlash from this that somebody nationally will start looking into it. What would be great is if we could get all the anti-Jody crowd together for some sort of protest or something, make it known that we aren't happy with the athletic department and their ineptitude. Unfortunately, I'm fighting a losing battle with that one, so all the players that Jody wronged will just have to hope that this isn't the complete, final decision. Personally, I'm pretty steamed right now, it broke my heart listening to the 2 players tell me their experiences at WSU and seeing the hurt and tears in their eyes. I just don't think you can fake that kind of pain.


                          • Originally posted by shockswsu View Post
                            shockerfanmas, don't lose heart yet. Remember when KState was not going to give Leticia Romero a scholarship release? It was a regional story until the "definitive" announcement was made by the university to back that wrong-headed action. It was AFTER the university's final decision was announced that it became a national story, after which Romero received her release.
                            Yeah, let's hope this decision doesn't backfire on Dr. Bardo. However, my guess is that these players and their families probably have had enough. They will most likely simply try to distance themselves as quickly and as far from the program as they can and get on with their lives.

                            Maybe if we could get the answer to one question from Alex Harden and Kelsey Jacobs: If you knew then what you know now would you have come to Wichita State to play for Coach Jody Adams?

                            Those two certainly could not be accused of any sour grapes.


                            • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                              I appreciate your candid answer. I have familiarity with one of this years seniors, but haven't come across a "the right time" to ask her about it, and don't know if I ever will, so I appreciate hearing from that perspective.
                              I have talked to 1 of the players that transferred out previously, and then 1 that transferred out this off season. The stories were so similar. I have had dealing with 1 of the graduating seniors as well, but we aren't close and I don't feel it appropriate to bring it up. I'd love to hear what she thinks.

                              I just have a feeling there is a lot being swept under the rug here and it makes me absolutely sick


                              • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                                Yeah, let's hope this decision doesn't backfire on Dr. Bardo. However, my guess is that these players and their families probably have had enough. They will most likely simply try to distance themselves as quickly and as far from the program as they can and get on with their lives.
                                That's what I'm thinking too, and while I would understand it, it would be a shame if some of these players and families don't fight back. IMO, WSU is losing a lot of credibility right now in several different areas, but mostly with the athletics department.

